Friday, July 24, 2009

When Did We Get a Bunny?

So, there is this bunny that has been hanging out in our yard for the past several weeks (possibly due to the height of our grass until this morning) and I have been trying to get a picture of him for a little while now. Every time we see him, it seems I am without my camera and as soon as I run to find it and get it ready, the bunny takes off. Well, this evening he was in our backyard just nibbling away on grass when we were out on the deck and he stayed for quite some time. Not only was I able to get some pictures, but David also got Ally to say rabbit. She was just yelling like crazy fot that rabbit to pay attention to her and she thought it was so funny. It just amazes me the things she is able to do now. She is so smart and is getting smarter by the day!
Here are some pictures of our summer yard guest and of a little girl who wanted to make sure that rabbit knew she was there and saw him! :-)
Oh, she also yells at airplanes too (she looks a little angry in the picture below, but she really LOVES airplanes...she was just really trying to get its attention. We just happen to live in a landing path for the airport, so she is in heaven with all the airplanes that fly over)...

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