Sunday, October 04, 2009

Making Applesauce

Ally was up bright and early this morning (like 6am bright and early...UGH!), so I decided to make applesauce with the apples we picked yesterday and have Ally "help" me. She did a GREAT job...such a good helper and she REALLY enjoyed eating the finished product. I love that she is getting old enough to start doing little crafty projects with me. So fun! :-)
First, I peeled and sliced the apples and put them in the crock pot (I used a variety of apples).
Next, I put the ingredients (sugar, cinnamon and water) in little bowls that were easy for Allyson to pick up.
Then I put Ally up on a chair at the table and let her pour each ingredient on top of the apples. She did a great job and only needed help with the sugar (She was close to the edge of the dish and started pouring backwards...only minimal amounts of sugar was lost.). She is really into pouring things or throwing things away, so this was right up her alley!

Next, it was time to stir up the apples and get them all coated with sugar and cinnamon. Ally liked being in charge of the wooden spoon!

Once the apples were all stirred up, I put the lid on and turned the crock pot to let it do it's magic!
Several hours later, this is what we had! Yum!
Ally's favorite part was testing her work at the end of the day. She is getting better with using a spoon, although you can see from the pictures that some ended up on her shirt and pants. Oh, well, it was the end of the day. :-)
Ally liked the applesauce so much that when David tried to take it away from her to give her a bath, she started crying and stayed mad at him until bedtime! Must have been some good applesauce, 'cause that girl loves her Daddy! So much fun for this little girl and her mommy!

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