Today was Ally's 1st Fourth of July and well, let's just say she was unimpressed. She was in a mood today for some reason and just wasn't herself, so we had a bit of a fussy 4
th. With that being said, David and I actually enjoyed a fun, albeit rainy, party over at Laura and Johnny's house in Upper Arlington. They have a yearly party, starting early in the morning with the very popular
UA parade and going most of the day with food, drinks, games and lots of laughs. We didn't make it to the parade (we barley made it to the party!), but we did enjoy some yummy food, a little
cornhole and great people. We have gotten to know many of Laura and John's friends over the years and they are fantastic people and have always been very welcoming of us. It's always good to see you all!
Thanks, Laura and Johnny, for the invite to yet another great party! Maybe next year we will actually make it to see the parade (and there won't be any rain!!!)!
After we left UA, we headed to Pataskala to stop by a cookout that one of David's clients was having in their new house. It was nice to get to meet the people that David had been working with and so sweet of them to invite us over.
Here are some pictures from our day:

Aunt Laura holding Ally

Ally says, "What's up?"

Great-aunt Pam and Ally

Ally's cute 4th of July shirt from "Aunt" Kim
Pretty much how Ally felt most of the day :-(