We made our annual trip to Cincy on Christmas Eve to see my mom's side of the family. This is one of my most favorite days of the year. I love getting to see most of my family and chatting late into the evening, eating yummy food and hearing the poker stories when one of the guys finally comes up from the "man cave". I love seeing my cousins adore Ally and Dylan...they are oh so sweet to the little ones. It is just a great, relaxing time for my family.

The babies were great in church, making their Memaw swell with pride over having her entire bunch lined up in one pew together. And several giggles were had by all over Dylan and his sippy cup, David singing above everyone else and of course the choir member who continues to think that she can hit the super high notes year after year. I didn't get any church pictures, but you aren't really supposed to take pictures during mass anyway. ;-)
I am happy to report that David won the annual poker game, earning more basement finishing money (good work, Bud!) and ticking off my uncle yet again (Sorry Scott! At least you have one or maybe two kids who will be taking everyone's money in a few years after all the practice they are getting playing with the "big kids").

(Here is Alex getting silly-stringed by his Adam, during the poker game. This didn't go over well with the "big kids". :-))

After much effort, Laura got Dylan to fall asleep...
But, Ally would not even think about sleep, until we were in the car headed home, so she was up late.

We arrived back to Columbus around 1:00 in the morning, but it was well worth the late night to spend such quality time with everyone. A great day had by all. Thanks "young" Halseys for hosting again this year!