Friday, January 23, 2009

A Yummy Dinner and Two Cute Babies

Tonight we had Monica (Maw-Maw), Dan (Paw-Paw), Julie, Brian and Jillian over for a little Mexican feast! I made a garlic-lime chicken dish with rice and a corn and black bean salsa. It is a recipe from my sister's friend Emily (she makes Martha Stewart look pitiful) and we have had it before and really liked it. I have never made it before, though, so I was hoping it turned out. Everyone seemed to like it a lot and there was hardly any left over, so I guess that is good indication it turned out ok. :-)
After dinner we enjoyed some turtle brownies and ice cream and fed Ally and Jillian their dinner. They filled their bellies up and then we let them play in their diapers for a few minutes, before getting them into their pj's, while we all stood around and laughed at them and took picutres.
It was a fun night and good to see the family, since we hadn't seen them in a couple weeks. Thanks for coming over guys!

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