Well, since Ally now has two teeth, we decided it was a good time to introduce her to the teeth brushing world. The dentist told me that, although she doesn't need to start coming to see him just yet, it is a good idea to start very young teaching good oral hygiene. He also said that even when babies don't have any teeth, it is a good idea to keep the gums nice and clean.
So...we bought Allyson a stage one, Baby Einstein toothbrush and some special toothpaste made just for infants and let the brushing begin! Ally LOVES getting to "brush" her teeth and she has done a great job of holding her toothbrush and not jabbing herself in the back of the throat with it (I had this vision of the toothbrush becoming this deadly weapon of sorts). We get the tooth brush ready for her (obviously she is a genius, but she is still barely 8 months old) and we "brush" her two teeth and gums first and then we let Ally "brush" for a few minutes. We have been mainly doing this at night, at the beginning of our bedtime routine, but if we forget, we try to make up for it in the morning.
Here are the pictures from our first tooth brushing experience (I think Daddy was having a lot of fun with it!)...

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