Today was my good friend Hannah's Birthday and I helped her celebrate by joining her and Emily and Libby for a Bluejacket's game! Originally, I was supposed to join them for dinner and drinks in the Arena District before the game, but guess whose husband's car decided to break down on her on her only night out by herself in FOREVER!!!!...uh, umm, yea...that would be...ME!
When I left work, excited to be heading downtown, I jumped in the car and...nothing. I couldn't get it to start. I finally got a hold of David and he came to get me and right as he pulled up, so did Uncle Rodney. While David and Rodney tinkered with the car, I patiently (or not so patiently...whatever) waited to be taken to my night out with my girls. They finally decided there was nothing they could do, so we ditched the car in my work parking lot for the night and zipped on over to Nationwide Arena, where I met up with Hannah, Lib and Em for the game.
Despite my car troubles, the evening was a lot of fun and the BJ's gave us a victory, so it was good night. It was great to see the girls, because I hadn't seen them in awhile. We talked about babies, the upcoming wedding, Hannah's bridal shower, boyfriends, etc. and it was so nice to catch up. I think Hannah enjoyed herself and after the game, I drove us back to Hannah's house (in her car), where she and I hung out and chatted for a little while longer.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HANNAH!!! I hope you had a fun day!
We love ya!
(Good luck with the tattoo tomorrow!)
Here is a picture of us girls at the game:

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