After a morning of picking up around the house and trying to get a decent nap in for Ally, we rushed out the door to make it to Goodale Park by 2:45. Our very talented friend Crystal (or Crys as she is known in the Fashion World) was part of a fashion show at the Earth Day Celebration today! We made it just in time to see the start of her show and it was great! She has redesigned some really great pieces and despite the rain, there was a good turnout for her show.
Over the past couple years Crystal has developed, Label Yourself Studio: a Green Redesigned Fashion Line. She takes recylced clothing and she redesigns it to make it wearable and fashionable again. She uses Eco-friendly paints and buttons and her husband, Eric, is her photographer and he also designs and hand-cuts all the stencils Crys uses in her designs. They are both very talented. Crys' studio is located in her home in Gahanna and she will be holding an open house in July...I will post details closer to the open house. She is currently working on a new children's line of redesigned clothing. Can't wait to snag a custom designed outfit for Ally!
Unfortunately, because we were rushed to get there, I didn't get pictures of the actual show, but I did get some after the show of Crys and the models (and of course some cute photos of Ally!).

I am so glad we could make it out to this event. You did an amazing job Crystal! We are very proud of you!! Thanks for inviting us to your show!
After the fashion show ended, we made a quick scan of the Earth Day festival and grabbed some really yummy ice cream from Jeni's on our way to the car. We even let Ally have her first taste of ice cream (Salty Caramel) and she LOVED it! She cried when we took it away, because she wanted more (she was fine again once the stroller started easily distracted at this age!). :-) We had to scoot out of there fast, because David had made an appointment for 4:00 with a client who also happens to be a co-worker of mine, so we didn't spend a ton of time looking around.
Thanks to my friend Lindsay who let me and Ally tag along after the Earth Day Show for the walk-through of her new condo that is being built. Lindsay is working with David to purchase a condo in a great development near Goodale Park and I was really excited to see it in the process of being built. I get to hear all about it from Lindsay at work, so it was nice to see it in person. I am so happy for Lindsay...the place is going to be gorgeous!!
After leaving the downtown area, we made a quick stop over at David's dad's house to pick up some cute outfits/jammies that Aunt Kelly got for Ally. She loved her duck jams! Thanks, Kelly!
Then, we started for home, making a quick stop in for some City BBQ for dinner...YUMMMM!
All in all, it was a super day!
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