Sunday, August 09, 2009

Zoo-tastic Day!

We had a really wonderful day at the zoo today, despite it being VERY HOT! David had an open house today, so Ally and I met mom, dad, Laura, John and Dylan at the zoo. We all got in free, between the membership we have and the one the Hendersons have. So...on top of having fun, it was free and I LOVE free! :-)

We got to the zoo around 10:00 and headed straight to the elephants in hopes of seeing little Becco and much to our delight, he was outside playing! There was a small crowd of people, but I was still able to get a few pictures. He looks so tiny in the pictures, but the zoo employee that was there answering questions said he weighs over 600 pounds!
Next we headed over to see the lions and tigers and bears...Oh MY! Ally loved the bears! We could barely drag her away from them. She was not a big fan of having her picture taken with Grandpa on the lion statue (perhaps next year)...
It's hot out here isn't it, D?

We saw this cute little tiny monkey who was just born recently. Doesn't he look like a beanie baby??

Then we passed by the one place at the zoo I refuse to go...the wolverine exhibit (GO BUCKS!!)! But...we did solve the mystery behind why Michigan can't beat OSU (read the second "Did You Know" fact on the sign):
A few other animals and miscellaneous sights at the zoo:
Ally and Dylan got an up close and personal visits with some goats that hang out at the zoo... And Dad got really close to some pretty Lorakeets...

Laura and Johnny end the very HOT day with a sweet treat...

We spent most of the late morning and early afternoon at the zoo and were able to see many wonderful sights. Thanks so much for the zoo pass Laura, John, Dylan and Ashley! We are really enjoying it!

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