I have decided to "steal" an idea from my Aunt Carey (thanks, Carey!) and start a seasonal/holiday book basket for Ally (and future little Truitts, wherever they may be).
Ally LOVES books, can't get enough of them and we have a giant pile of them that we keep in a large basket on the floor, so she can get to them (pretty much all board books at this stage in life, though). We read everyday day, multiple times a day. She really does love books.
Over the years (long before I had Allyson), I gathered a very nice collection of books, some signed by the authors (thanks, Mom!), some hardbacks, some older books from relatives...my children will always have plenty of books, which I am thrilled about. Ally also received many very nice books at one of my baby showers.
We don't let Ally "play" with some of the nice books yet, because they have more delicate pages and I don't want them to get all ripped up, but we do read them to her and she loves them.
My aunt keeps a basket on the bakers rack in her kitchen and in it she displays books for her kids to read about the current season or holiday. I love this idea, because not only will Ally get to learn something about the different times of the year, but this is a good way to display a lot of the really nice books we have that we usually keep tucked away on a shelf away from toddler fingers. I put the basket on the table next to our couch, so the books are handy when we want to read one to Allyson, but still out of her constant reach, so they stay nice and neat. As she gets older, the idea will be for Ally to be able to read the books in the basket as she pleases and put them back when she is done. I will change the books out as the seasons/holidays change. It also makes a nice decoration (especially once I get some festive ribbon to add to the handle of the basket).
Here is our Autumn/Halloween selection currently being displayed and a picture of Ally checking out the books:

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