Ally says some of the funniest things as she learns to talk more and more. She is a very verbal child and a good percentage of things she says actually come out coherent, but it is still so cute to listen to a child who is learning to talk. I keep saying to David that we need to get her on videotape more, but life seems to always get in the way and we forget. Well, there are a few things in particular that I don't want to forget, so I thought I would put them down in writing here. It's not the same as actually hearing her say them, but at least it will help me remember some day. :-)
- Gobbee, gobbee (that's Ally talk for gobble, a turkey)-this is one of my favorites! It is so cute the way she says this and when you ask her what a turkey says, she always answers, gobbee. She knows pretty much all of the animal sounds and between gobbee and her southern version of neigh (comes out Naaayyy, with a southern drawl), she keeps us in stitches. So far, Ally can tell you what a cow, turkey, cat, dog, pig and sheep says. She usually will say, grrrr, when we ask her what a bear says and an interpretation of 'roar' when we ask her about lions, but we haven't perfected these yet. We are working on duck, because when we ask her what a duck says, she says, "Duck"...funny. She recognizes most animals and will say either the sound they make or their actual name. Smarty pants!
- She loves Dora for some reason. I say "some reason", because we have NEVER had Dora on the TV at our house (in fact, we don't watch a lot of cartons at all) and the only thing Dora we own is a pair of her pajamas that were given to her for Christmas last year. The babysitter doesn't let them watch TV very often, but I guess she must have seen Dora there and feel in love. :-) Anyway, she recognizes Dora regardless of what she is on and how she is dressed and when she sees Dora she calls out her name. It is so cute and comes out like 'Dowra'. Sometimes she gets stuck on the 'D' and it takes a few seconds for the whole thing to come out, but she says it and it makes me smile every time.
- Rocka bay-bee! The other night when I was rocking Ally at night, the room was quiet and dark and I thought she had fallen asleep. All of a sudden she blurts out, "Rocka bay-bee" and I about busted a seam! She is funny, that kid. That's what she says now when she wants you to sing Rock-a-bye-baby to her. She also says it when she has her dolls clutched under her arm and rocking back and forth. She loves her babies!
- Ally can not only say, "Buckeyes", very clearly, but she also can recognize them too! She points to the logo and says, "Buckeyes" and the other day when the team was running onto the field she turned around and saw them on TV and yelled, "Buckeyes" and when you ask her what her favorite team is, she (without hesitation) hollers, "Buckeyes". No, we did not brainwash her, but apparently when we bleed scarlet and gray, so does our child...and that's the way we like it! Go Buckeyes!
These are just some examples of the funny things Allyson says right now, that I want to keep fresh in my mind. I will try to post some other funny things as the come along and I will see what I can do about getting an actual video of her posted, so you can hear it for yourself. So cute!

1 comment:
Lovely pictures and a great blog! I'm enjoying reading it!
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