Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Can you believe it has been 9 months?!?

Ally had her 9 month (she is 9 months today!) check-up with Dr. Dan today and everything went really well. Dr. Dan must have said about 10 times how cute she is (duh!) and he said her growth is fantastic! She weighed in at 19.8 lbs (50 percentile), she is 28 1/4 in. long (77th percentile) and her head measurement is 17 1/2 (75th percentile...lots of brains!). As usual, Ally put on quite a cute show for everyone at the doctor's office, smiling and jabbering the whole time. She even gave Dr. Dan her new head tilt and wave combo. She is quite the ham...not sure where she got that from (typing in my most sarcastic tone). :-)

Below are pictures of Ally being weighed (she looks much happier to be being weighed than mommy ever is) and messing up the sheet on the examining table (check out the belly!).

1 comment:

Denise and Jansen said...

I just noticed that your family has a blog. Its so cute! Great for keeping in touch with loved ones. The pics of Ally at the doctor are hilarious :)