Monday, March 09, 2009

We Have a Crawler, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Ally started crawling this past weekend, Friday night to be exact! She was chasing after a dumbbell that her daddy wouldn't let her play with and it turns out she wanted it badly enough that she decided to crawl for it. She moved forward just a few feet at first, but in no time at all she was cruising all over the place and hasn't slowed down since. Boy are we in trouble now!
Below is a video of our newly mobile baby going after Riley (poor cat, he has no idea what is in store for him)...


Meredith said...

Oh guys, this made me cry! She's so big!!!

E Truitt said...

I know! I can't believe I am already talking about planning a first birthday party...time flies when you're having fun!
Thanks for checking out our blog!